CES: A World Without Money

The Community Exchange System (CES) is a web service that provides the tools for communities to set up and manage exchange and trade in their areas without using money. It also provides communities with a network that permits them to trade with other communities, wherever they are in the world.

There are many ways of exchanging what we have and can do for the things we need. ‘Money‘ is just one of them. The internet revolution has brought us new ways of exchanging things, without the unnecessary step of acquiring money first. At CES we exchange and share what we have to offer for what others provide, using a variety of exchange methods: record keeping, time exchange, direct exchange, barter, swapping, gifting and sharing.

Goods and services are advertised on the web site through an Offerings List. Users can advertise their offerings as gifts, for organised barter, to swap for something explicit or for trade using the online accounting facilities of CES. Users look through this list or do a search, and if they find something they want they contact the seller who then provides the goods or service.

Take a look for yourself to learn more about CES and see what offerings are available locally.